Eco-packaging Update
As a manufacturer of a product that uses plastic-coated materials in our products by necessity (lifejacket fabrics must be plastic coated to prevent them from degrading when exposed to harsh salt water environments) we are always looking for ways we can reduce our environmental impact in other areas of the business.
Today we are pleased to let you know that we have switched our packaging tape to a new water-activated paper tape. This means there is no plastic involved at all in any of our shipping packaging. TeamO's cardboard cartons which you receive your lifejackets in can now go straight in to recycling without the need to strip plastic tape off first. Water-activated paper tape means no plastic-based glue on the underside of the paper.
TeamO boxes are already packed using EcoFill eco packing beans. These are made of starch and are 100% biodegradable. To dispose of them you can put them in to your bio-bags for composting or straight on the compost heap. They also dissolve quickly in water so you can also chuck, them in the sink or bath, add water and watch them safely disappear down the drain.