The Advantage of Small Business
Sometimes running a small business feels like a mammoth challenge. The competition are massive, we are tiny by comparison. But in the words of @davidhieatt, tiny is fast, and the world is changing fast, not slowly.
Roughly 4 weeks ago at the Southampton Boat Show I had a conversation with a team mate about how we thought fluro pink was about to have a ‘moment’ in sailing fashion terms. Hugo Boss had just launched their new boat with it’s pink touches and some of the top race teams in the world have chosen it for their spinnakers and crew kit recently. I can’t remember which one of us said “Wouldn’t it be cool if we could do a TeamO lifejacket with fluro pink?” The beauty of running our own production entirely in the UK is that Gill and the team had put together a sample within a week and we are proud to say we’re now offering them exclusively on teamomarine.com and they will be in the shops by mid-Nov (ps, we’ve added in a hanging loop on back of the neck too as a few of you mentioned how much you wanted this. Link in bio for the interested) This is before any of the other sailing apparel or lifejacket businesses have launched their own fluro pink products.
Sometimes being the little guy is actually a huge advantage. Speed is more important than size.