Women In The Marine Industry: Interview with Lauren
Lauren Mead, sales and marketing director for TeamO Marine Safety Products, will be joining MIN to deliver an exciting online seminar about turning ideas into technology and taking them to market.
It’s on Thursday 25 February, starting at 11am, and is the first in MIN’s Women in Marine series. Register to attend this exclusive online seminar.
MIN’ll be spending an hour chatting with Mead about how she and her brother Oscar took an idea, developed the technology and then built a successful business. The conversation will delve into how TeamO’s patented its products and how the company’s sourced, and worked with, investors in its ten year journey.
TeamO Marine designs and manufacturers award-winning safety products for sailors. Best known for the BackTow lifejacket, this patented design is the only lifejacket with a moveable harness point. The Meads hit upon the idea after an emergency call-out to a competitor in a race Lauren Mead was crewing. That fatal incident was the inspiration for the business. Now a TeamO lifejacket will keep a sailor face up if they fall overboard while clipped on to their vessel.
Register today be part of this exclusive online event, the inaugural session in MIN’s Women in Marine series. The first forty MIN readers who register will receive a free MIN mug. Register to attend this exclusive online seminar.
Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions of Mead.
Free attendance at Women in Marine is made possible by the kind sponsorship of Barton Marine.